Hurry Up and Wait---Our Last Minute PCS Journey Begins!
Army life. It always keeps ya guessing, right?!
We found out this week that my husband's current contract has been curtailed (aka- cut short!) and they're bumping our DROS (Date Returned from Overseas) up by about 7 months earlier than anticipated.
So a DROS date basically means that when they give him his new date, we HAVE to be gone from our overseas duty station, which is currently Hawaii. AND we were told it will be "highly likely" that his new date to leave here will be the first week or two of February.
AKA- 3 months until we have to be cleared, packed up and on our way to our new home in Missouri!
>>Insert panicked Army Wife here!<<
But in all seriousness--I know that this happens often, and I know it can be incredibly stressful, so I've decided to make lemonade from our lemons, and put together a comprehensive guide to last minute PCSing from an Army Wife's standpoint.
I hope that once we start going through the motions, and tracking everything that we do as we do it, I can help some of you who might be in the same situation feel like you have a little more control over what's going on and feel at ease in making sure that you are getting everything done without anything important falling through the cracks!
I'll be sharing a lot of this journey over on my Facebook page, so feel free to stop by and give it a "like"! I'll be posting on here about some hot topics as they come up, including PCSing with kids and pets, Transportation, packing and moving, shipping vehicles, what to budget for, Clearing post, and more.
I hope you'll swing by to keep up with our story as it unfolds, and I hope that the info I provide can help you along YOUR journey!
What are some PCS topics that you would like to see covered in this series?!
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