Answering The Call

These last few weeks, I feel like life has been throwing me an insane amount of curveballs! From our last minute move coming up (which we still haven't received hard orders for, and therefore can't even START any of the many tasks that need to be started) to our car completely dying and us having to buy a brand new one, it's like all of these small things are collapsing, BUT they're doing so in a way that doesn't feel ominous.

It's almost like the universe is conspiring to put me on a path that my soul has desperately been calling me to follow. I honestly have no idea what that path is yet, but I can feel it bubbling under the surface, just waiting for the opportune moment to rise up and reveal itself.

I've been reading this really great book, "Light Is The New Black", by Rebecca Campbell and it's really had me taking the time to connect and listen to the messages that I've been receiving from the universe.

So last week, I was out for my nightly walk, listening to this audiobook, and was struck hard and fast with the message, "FAST". That's it. One word.

And I thought--okay, why does the Universe want me to fast? And then this lovely part of the book came through that talked about how we oftentimes try to fill voids in our soul, that we should be filling with light, with things like work, hobbies, material things, and even (wait for it...) FOOD.

Yup^^, big old freakin lightbulb in my head.

I've struggled with an addiction to food for a long time. I've used it to fill my "void" when I'm feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, stressed, etc. etc. etc. and it's the number one leading reason that I can go from a very healthy wellness routine, to gaining 20-30 pounds in the matter of a couple of months.

And so, here I was, trying to listen to the universe and find a way to break that cycle, and the Universe asks me to fast.

Not for weight loss.
Not for a "quick fix".
Not for a PHYSICAL reason.

For a spiritual connection.

So I did what I do best, and I asked questions, because I'm a curious person who likes straight forward answers, and the Universe has instructed me to fast from all food for no less than 3 days. I may continue to drink water, but no juice. During the times that I feel called to "cheat" or end my fast early, I am to do one of three things:

1. Meditate/Light Source
2. Self Reiki Treatments
3. Walk in nature

By doing any of those three things, I will be filling the void that food will be leaving open, with light from source energy, and I will find some of the answers that I seek to get on the path that I'm supposed to be following.

I know--if you're not into that kind of thing you're probably reading this and thinking I'm some crazy person hearing voices in my head (it's okay--I don't mind if you think I'm a little crazy). But I think that sometimes we need to do crazy things in order to find our highest selves.

So I'm sitting here on a Monday night, typing this message, and I've taken Rebecca's advice to "jump right in".

Beginning tonight I will be on a fast for spiritual reasons, and I will be documenting my journey--real, raw, struggles and all from start to finish.

My hope is that this fast will break the chains that I have been tied down with by food, and allow me to move forward, untethered, in a way that serves my highest being!




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