A Very Harry Potter Halloween!

Halloween has come and gone, but not without some magical fun! 

Yes, I'm totally that mom that is doing themed Halloween costumes with my kids while they're still young enough to think it's super cool. 

This year's theme---HARRY POTTER! 

We kicked things off on the Friday before Halloween with a Trunk or Treat Event at my husband's work. So we decided to tie our Harry Potter theme into our Trunk or Treat decorations, and it turned out super cute and fun, and didn't cost much to put together. 


We loved the idea of making our trunk kind of interactive, so we decided to make an Azkaban wanted sign, and all the kids were able to come up and take a photo as they passed our booth. We had our dementor hanging to the side (he had to be moved away a couple of times for the younger kids!). 

The sign was cheap and easy to make. 
I downloaded the Have You Seen This Wizard and Prisoner Number signs from Paper Trail Design. Then we printed and attached them to the board, cut out a square, and voila! Easy, and only about $1 for the poster board! 

The dementor was made out of a regular halloween skeleton ($12.50 at Target) that we covered with some black halloween cloth ($3.50 at Target!). Then we positioned it's hands to loo like a dementor and strung it up with some fishing line attached to our rear wiper blade. 

We also strung up a few floating candles (like the ones from the Great Hall) by rolling battery operated tea lights up into a pieces of card stock paper. The tea lights were easy to remove and turn on once it got dark out. 

As for the trunk decor, we kept it pretty simple, as we really wanted the photo booth to be the big attraction. 

We covered the entire back with a plain black sheet, and placed some battery operated strobe lights behind the sheet to give a flashing effect that wasn't too blinding as people came by. 

I had some potion bottles that I had picked up at the Target dollar spot earlier in the year. I downloaded some printable potion labels from Darling Doodles and Over The Big Moon, and sealed them to the bottles with Mod Podge. I used "Draught of Living Death", "Wolfsbane Potion", "Essence of Dittony" "Veritaserum" and "Skelegrow"-- all things I thought might come in handy at a place like Azkaban! 

I also downloaded a few spell book covers (also from Paper Trail Designs) and wrapped them around my Harry Potter books. I did want to use something that looked my antique, or parchment paper-like, but unfortunately none of the local places I checked had any. I think that would have given them a more realistic look--but this worked fine! 

We placed all of these items in the trunk, with a black witches hat, some black plastic pumpkins and spiders, and a couple of real pumpkins and played Harry Potter themed music through our Bluetooth speaker to top it all off! 

I was really pleased with how it turned out, and everyone commented on what a great idea it had been! We had a lot of kiddos and adults alike stop and take pictures behind the photo booth! I hope this helps inspire your next Trunk or Treat decorating event!!! 

Happy Haunting from Harry Sr, Hermione, Harry Jr. and Professor Trelawney! 


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